Janet Pullen
A project between Surrey Hills Arts and University for the Creative Arts, at RSPB Farnham Heath, Tilford, Farnham, UK, 1st – 31st October 2020.

Capturing the Heather

The brief of Heathland Artworks project was to design and construct an artwork in the local landscape, relevant and appropriate to the outdoor site at Farnham Heath.
Inspired by the vast expanse of heather on Farnham Heath, my artwork reflects a patchwork effect of the heather carpet. Wire grid fencing provides a means of framing the captured views of the native heathland plant beyond. The beautiful colours of heather throughout the summer months had been gradually replaced by a subdued hue by the time the Artworks Trail opened; perhaps Capturing the Heather provides a means to remember the striking effects of this lovely ground-covering plant.
I used a loopy rag rug technique, traditionally used for creating rugs. This seems appropriate for reflecting the heather which carpets the landscape.The base fabric is hessian from old coffee bags, into which strips of woollen and other fabrics, some of them dyed, from blankets and old clothes, are worked.
This project provided a challenge to create an artwork using textiles in an outdoor space.