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BRODERERS' EXHIBITION:  The Art of Embroidery

Janet Pullen Out of Gridlock.jpg

Out of Gridlock


The featured grids are formed by a variety of techniques: piecing and patching of various fabrics to build up layers and to create depth; weaving threads and wire; and using stitch for mark-making of lines and blocks. Areas of intense stitching stabilise the cloth and change its feel and texture.


A grid may be considered a barrier or a form of containment. Distorted grids, uneven lines and frayed edges reflect a breaking away or a tension between freedom and constraint; the printed fabric areas provide visual contrast, and the orientation of the overlying motif suggests escape from the controlled structure of the grid.

OUT OF GRIDLOCK was shown at 

 The Broderers' Exhibition: The Art of Embroidery 

22-27 February 2022 at Bankside Gallery, London


view the online catalogue


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